Terms and conditions


1) Tuition is due within the first 7 days of the month.  Everyone must have a credit card on file with us.  If you do not pay by the 7th, then we will run your card for your tuition amount plus a $20 late fee.  The only exception is if you've signed up for auto pay.  If so, then your tuition will run on the date that you have chosen and you'll never see a late fee. 

2) Tuition is a flat rate or a 10 month school year (Sept thru June). The full amount is divided into 10 equal payments. So, tuition remains the same if there are 3, 4 or 5 lesson days in that particular month (other than we do pro-rate if you start in the middle of a month).  

3) If a teacher cancels a class, she will offer a make-up class. It may be a separate lesson just for your group or you may be combined in with another class for one day.  If you do not attend the make-up lesson, then you forfeit your money for that class.

4) If a student misses class for whatever reason they are entitled to come to a make-up lesson in another class as long as you notified us at least 1 hr prior to the absence.  If no notice is given, then you forfeit the tuition for that day's class. 

5)   If you have a question, please call the school’s voice mail & leave a message (503-661-6958).  When our receptionist comes in (usually about 4:30-5pm), she’ll return your call.  Depending on call volume sometimes it may be 24-36 hrs before we get back to you.

6) There is a $25.00 service charge on all checks returned as NSF.  Please, just don’t write us a check that isn’t covered and you’ll never have to see this charge…

PAYMENT OF TUITION:  We recommend you sign up for auto-pay when you register. That way, you'll never see a late fee. But if you prefer to pay with cash, check or another card, there is a tuition drop box near the front desk.  Please just drop your checks into that box.  If you wish to pay w/cash or another card, please give your payment to your instructor if the secretary is not at the front desk. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHECKS OR CASH JUST OUT ON THE DESK.


  1. Please remember to call the dance school office and leave a message as soon as possible prior to missing a lesson (503-661-6948)  If you call in, then your student will be eligible to attend another comparable class as a make up lesson.  
  2. We do not give credits or refunds for missed lessons.  You need to attend a lesson with another class as a make up or you will forfeit the tuition for the missed lesson.  All monies paid are non-refundable.
  3. Any classes cancelled by your instructor will be made up prior to the end of the year recital.
  4. Please do not bring your child to class if they might be contagious. If they are injured, they are welcome to come observe.

WHAT  DO  I  DO  IF  MY STUDENT WISHES TO DROP OUT OF A CLASS? Your student is registering for either the school year term (Sept to our recital in June) or remaining portion thereof, or else for the summer term (late June thru mid-August).

In order to discontinue classes, we require you to fill out a withdrawal form 2 weeks prior to your last class.  IF YOU DO NOT GIVE WRITTEN NOTICE, YOU WILL OWE FOR THE TUITION UNTIL THE END OF THE TERM OR UNTIL THAT NOTICE IS RECEIVED. We will be saving your spot & billing accordingly.

FLYERS,  NEWSLETTERS & EMAILS: Please, please promptly read the information that we send home with your student, or email or mail out.  It’s difficult to talk to every parent personally, so this is our way to communicate with you.  Please save your info. to refer back to.  If you have questions, please call us or come to the dance school office.  Please, don’t ask another parent & assumed that you’ve gotten the right answer - more often than not, this is how incorrect information and misunderstandings get started!

PLEASE “LIKE” DEBORAH MESSINGER SCHOOL OF DANCE ON FACEBOOK: We have become more “high-tech”.  We will be sending info out to parents by text, by email, and posting important info on our FaceBook page.  Please make sure we always have UP-TO-DATE info on file for you! If you don't "like" or even look at our facebook page, you'll miss important notifications and specials that were are running. 

AROUND  THE  BUILDING: If you have a young student & you’re not here when class is over, the instructor will keep your child in the classroom to wait for you.  Please instruct your child that he/she is never to go outside to play in, or wander around, the parking lot while waiting for you.  We want every child to be safe & if we can’t see them, then we can’t watch out for them. We are not responsible for watching the students once class is over. 

CLASS  OUTFITS,  SHOES  &  HAIR: We have a dress code for a number of reasons: the main one being that the teachers need to see if the dancers bodies are moving correctly – this is to teach proper dance technique & also for safety. Also, dance is an art form and a discipline. Dressing the part makes the student “feel” the part. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR STUDENT COMES DRESSED CORRECTLY. The information about your child's specific class will be given to you at registration. DO NOT GO OUT & PURCHASE DANCEWEAR & SHOES UNTIL YOU SEE WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR SPECIFIC CLASS!

ARRIVAL AT CLASS: Please make every effort to arrive promptly.  Students who come in late often feel uncomfortable as all the other students turn to look at them.  Also, this disrupts the flow & concentration of those who were here on time.  Please remind your younger students to use the bathroom BEFORE class begins!

LOST  &  FOUND: Please mark all of your students belongings with their name - especially their dance shoes.  If we find things left after class, we put them in the lost & found box.  We only keep items for about 2 weeks & then we give them to a local charity.

SICK POLICY: Please keep your student home if they have or have recently had a fever, vomiting etc.  Other class members and the instructors would much prefer not to be exposed.  Just call in & schedule a make-up class. 

HOLIDAY CLOSURES: We ONLY close for the major holidays such as: Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas thru New Years, Spring Break & Memorial Day (watch for specific dates posted on the front door & on our bulletin board) as each holiday comes around.  WE DO NOT CLOSE ON ALL THE VARIOUS PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSURE DAYS.  If you are unsure if we’re closed for anything, please call & listen to our voice mail message – we change the message any time there is a closure & it is usually announced at the preceding class.

Thank you very much for choosing to attend DMSD!